Now I don't claim to understand the meaning behind images or what it means when you draw a certain picture but I guess I can try and decipher the meaning behind it all. So, in class last week, we had to trace someone else's body so they could use it for an exercise. Kinda awkward, since I had no idea what we were about to do. Eventually, after a few minutes we began drawing pictures. The first was where we believed our "light" was located in your body. Seeing as my body didn't have arms, it kinda of limited where I could put it. On the other hand, the first thought of where to put my light was where my heart is located.
So I guess since I drew my light where my heart is and shaped it that way, it probably means something like I believe in following my heart and searching for the truth. I guess if I follow my heart I will be following my dreams or some random stuff like that. I don't really remember the rest of the order of the parts we were supposed to draw. So I think I will just go into a spew of the drawings.
Well after the light drawing, I think we had to draw a house and where we thought it would be. I drew it at my head. It really looked dingy and kinda thought like it was swaying in the wind. I drew a lake by it because my dream house would be near the water. Plus, I drew it in my head to show that my ideal house is all in my head at the moment and maybe will be what I hope it is whenever I do in fact get one.
Anyways, after that I think we had to draw a river in our body. I drew it as if it was coming from the lake that was as my house. the lake started from my head and led all the way down to my right foot. It kinda had that flowing, infinite, uncontrollable feeling to it. Meanwhile, a little basket that I wrote hopes and dreams on is sitting on the river, drifting down it. I guess that means to me that people sometimes give up on their hopes and dreams and that to me isn't the right way to go. For that very reason, I think it is key to never give up on the things that matter most to you.
On the other side of the flowing river is a fire that is attacking the light/heart. This flows all the way to my left foot and is really contrasting the river. I guess it represents how we are always fighting something within us and things out in the world that we can't always control. We shouldn't let that put out our light.
I also drew a shadow shaped like a tornado in my head. I don't know what that means, probably relates to the fire idea that sometimes life is hard sometimes.
In my heart/light I drew a locked door, where I guess I keep my true feelings and any secrets I may not want to share with the rest of the world. A locked door in my heart sounds really cliche but that is what I drew and what I thought of whenever we had to draw it.
Finally (even though we did not do it last), I drew a snake near my crotch. I guess at first it was the idea of temptation following me around (like procrastinating on homework), but i I added a butterfly that the snake was supposed to be attacking. In the end, I turned it into the snake protecting the butterfly from the fire. So I guess it kinda shows you not to judge things by their appearance because you might not get to see the lighter side of their personality and realize that they might be a really awesome person. Plus, I love the idea of protecting the light of others by helping them in a time of need.
Living your life alone and without support is not a way to live.
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