Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sounds of the City

     No one every really knows what they are going to see or even hear when you walk around the commons. It's almost a mystery of possibilities. So I really wasn't sure what I would hear walking through the commons.
     The first real sound you hear, the one the overpowers everything else as you enter the beauty of the commons is the loud screeching of the subway and the honks of angry drivers as they pass through the intersection. So, really you can't hear anything at first except for this loud and obnoxious sound, but being in the city less than a month, I am pretty much used to the sound of cars honking and of the T. At the same time, when you really focus on the sounds around you, you notice it more than normal. All of that aside, there are still more relaxing noises as you go through the commons.
     Well, actually I lied. Even though the sound of the cars dissapates as you walk, you really hear the sound of footsteps, the squishing of shoes or the clacking of flip flops. It really can get annoying when you are trying to find someone wonderful to listen to. Plus, you hear people talking on the phone as they walk by, some of them angry others laughing obnoxiously.  But its' time for the peaceful noises.
     I love the sound of the wind around you as it brushes against the trees. It really has a peaceful quality to it, more so than most noises I know of, so the wind definitely helped the mood. It also rained only a few minutes before my walk so a lot of things were wet.
     I also love all the joy some people have as they walk around with their dogs or hang out with their friends. It has that romantic city type of vibe...if that really makes any sense at all.
     Another sound you hear is the bell, wherever that is exactly I don't know but when it sounds you can hear it pretty much anywhere in the commons
     The culture is the city is so evident in sound too. Many people walking by speak foreign languages as you walk by or you just notice different that aspect Boston is so beautiful and cultural. However, you still get the side where a homeless person rummages through the garbage or plays music for you in an attempt to make money. I don't know. You really want to help people but that really isn't always possible.
     After touring all around the commons (visiting the annoying carousel), I took a trip across the street to the gardens to see there. It's equally as beautiful if not more. You see dogs running through the fountains and hear the running of water. Then across the bridge a man was playing his accordion. 
     I guess when you really take the time to notice the sound around you, you take note of how beautiful the sounds of the city really are.

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